We set the business up for you and then Automate the rest of it for you (Done for you - DFY)
Building you a totally passive income stream in the process...
We set the business up for you and then Automate the rest of it for you (Done for you - DFY) Building you a totally passive income stream in the process...
(1) INVESTMENT PROTECTION - We have an Owner Operator Program to protect your Trucking Automation Investment. This is similar to an Escrow Account.
(3) We offer complete A.I. AUTOMATED trucking services.
(4) Complete Set up & Management.
(5) We get your driver for you. We easily find drivers because we....(a) use A.I. technology and (b) we pay the drivers well! (c) we offer some drivers to be home EVERY weekend and almost EVERY NIGHT! (d) we offer drivers benefits for them and their family.
(6) Administrative Systems & Portals
(7) LLC/EIN/Duns & Bradstreet
(8) We help you get equipment (truck & trailer) or we can provide the equipment for you. You will not
own the equipment if we get it. We will lease the equipment under one of our companies name.
(9)We show you the right equipment to buy, so that you don't buy the wrong equipment.
(10) You don't need a CDL to get financing.
(11) New, newer & used trucks
(12) This program is designed to help from A to Z, so that you don't waste time and thousands of dollars.
(13) We help you build, grow and scale your company.
(14) Dedicated & contract lanes with PREMIUM RATES through our shippers, companies and freight partners that your truck(s) will be assigned to.
(15) Average Profits - an estimated $150K to $200K per truck for the length of the 42 month agreement. This allows you to "more than" double your investment. Profits will vary & change from month to month.
(16) You have access to all of our repair shops in 3 different locations in the U.S. and a 4th location coming in 2025.
(17) If you bring your own truck, your driver will have access to our diesel mechanics everyday via the telephone when your truck have repair issues.
(Option 1) TRUCKING AUTOMATION Powered by A.I. Technology.
*If you want an estimated earnings of $150K-$200K at the end of the 42 months. Double your money!
*INVESTMENT IS PROTECTED via our Owner Operator Network. This is similar to an escrow account.
*The total investment to start 1 truck is....$65K(limited time price).
*FYI FACTS - The stock market produces average annual returns of 10%. When you adjust for inflation, it's only 6 to 7%. Trucking Automation produces annual returns of 20 to 30%.
*With this option, you will pay $43K upfront and the balance in 30 to 90 days when it’s time to start or whenever you are comfortable.
*No discounts for 1 truck, if you want a discount, see our 2 truck offer.
*We offer credit card financing for all of our programs if you meet the requirements. See the blue link below for more.
*New or Newer Truck
*New or Newer Trailer (Refrigerated or Flatbed)
*Warranty for the 42 months (included in the price & management fee)
*No Maintenance costs (included in the price & management fee)
*No Towing costs (included in the price & management fee)
*No Roadside costs (included in the price & management fee)
*Profits - an estimated $150K to $200K per truck for the length of the 42 month agreement. This allows you to "more than" double your investment. Profits will vary & change from month to month.
*Management Fee - 20% of the monthly gross revenue
*2 Leased Trucks, 2 Leased Trailers, 2 drivers that we provide
*Double your money!
*Total $125K investment(does not have to be paid upfront)
Get estimated $250K - $300K back in earnings in 42 months. *Double your money!
*FYI FACTS - The stock market produces average annual returns of 10%. When you adjust for inflation, it's only 6 to 7%. Trucking Automation produces annual returns of 20 to 30%.
*INVESTMENT IS PROTECTED via our Owner Operator Network. This is similar to an escrow account.
*Pay $76K upfront and pay the balance in 30 to 90 days when it’s time to start or whenever you are comfortable.
*This setup takes 45 to 90 days to start.
*You can either pay later for each truck separately or pay all at the same time, the choice is yours.
*Example, you can pay to start Truck 1 in 30 to 90 days and pay to start Truck 2 later.
*This option is designed to build trust and a relationship with you.
*Use the profits from Truck 1 to pay for Truck 2.
*Little or No money out of pocket money for Truck 2.
*We offer credit card financing for all of our programs if you meet the requirements. See the blue link below for the requirements.
*No discounts because we have already given a large discount.
*Designed for Serial Entrepreneurs
*Trucking Automation for 3 Trucks, 3 Trailers, 3 Drivers
*INVESTMENT IS PROTECTED via our Owner Operator Network. This is similar to an escrow account.
*FYI FACTS - The stock market produces average annual returns of 10%. When you adjust for inflation, it's only 6 to 7%. Trucking Automation produces annual returns of 20 to 30%.
*$185K total investment(does not have to be paid upfront)
*Pay $95K upfront and pay the balance in 30 to 90 days when it’s time to start or whenever you are comfortable.
*You can either pay later for each truck separately or pay all at the same time, the choice is yours. Example, you can pay to start Truck 1 in 30 to 90 days and pay to start Truck 2 later and then pay to start Truck 3 after that. Use the profits from Truck 1 to pay for Truck 2. Use the profits from Trucks 1 & 2 to pay for Truck 3.
*Estimated earnings of $350K to $400K in 42 months. Double your money! This option is designed to build trust and a relationship with you. Use the profits from Truck 1 to pay for Truck 2 and then use the profits from Truck 1 & Truck 2 to pay for Truck 3.
*Little or No money out of pocket money for Trucks 2 & Truck 3.
*We offer credit card financing for all of our programs if you meet the requirements. See the blue link below for the requirements.
*No discounts because we have already given a large discount.
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