How To Start or Scale a

Trucking Business Using OPM

(Other People's Money)

During this FREE Masterclass You'll Learn:

  • How to get Funding, Financing, & Equipment without using your

    personal credit or SSN.

  • How to get access to Funding you don't have to pay back - even if

  • you have bad personal credit (we do this for ALL of our clients).

  • And how to build trucking companies just like the “Big Boys”...JB

  • Hunt, Schneider, TMC, Swift, etc.

Register to watch instantly!

Meet Your Presenter:

The Trucking King Himself -

Cedrick Leggett

About Cedrick Leggett

Cedrick Leggett is an entrepreneur from Georgia who

has a degree in Business Information Technology

from Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College. He started

three successful companies by the age of 35, despite life handing him numerous setbacks.

Cedrick has been a business consultant for over

a decade, helping companies profit wildly through a predictable business building and consulting system.

He has helped his clients produce over 50 million dollars

in revenue, and he's just getting started.

Cedrick Leggett is an entrepreneur from Georgia who has a degree in Business Information Technology from Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College. He started three successful companies by the age of 35, despite life handing him numerous setbacks.

Cedrick has been a business consultant for over

a decade, helping companies profit wildly through a predictable business building and consulting system.

He has helped his clients produce over 50 million dollars in revenue, and he's just getting started.

Free Training:

How To Start or Scale a

Trucking Business Using

O.P.M. (Other People's Money)

Register to watch instantly!

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